
I have taught the following courses in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida. (** developed course)

**Ecosystem Ecology – Graduate and upper-level undergraduate course. Emphasizes the roles of biological, geophysical, and human processes in moving and transforming energy, carbon, water, and nutrients in the biosphere.

**Urban Ecology & Sustainability – Graduate and upper-level undergraduate students read and discuss the peer-reviewed literature to examine fundamental themes in ecology (food webs, population dynamics, nutrient flows) set in an urban context. There is a strong emphasis on coupled natural-human systems.

**Environment – Non-majors undergraduate course. Emphasizes the science behind environmental change issues (climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution), with additional focus on the scientific method, evolution, and social and economic aspects of environmental change. Uses team-based learning.

**Landscape Ecology – Graduate-level course. Introduces landscape ecology concepts and tools. Gives students a research opportunity by providing them a real set of spatially-explicit data and computing resources for its analysis.

Principles of Ecology – Upper-level undergraduate course. Pairs theory with empirical examples from long-term, comparative, experimental, and modeling studies. Covers all ecological levels, the scientific method, and natural selection.

Ecology Laboratory – Undergraduate course (separate from lecture). Projects on diverse topics each require data collection and analysis, and papers written in scientific journal format that exhibit hypothesis development and testing.

Biology for Non-majors – An introductory course covering all major topics including biomolecules and energetics, genetics and inheritance, diversity of life forms, plant and animal physiology, ecology, evolution, and the scientific method.